Topic of Research Seminar: Mathematical Modeling of Stochastic Differential Equations Arising in Financial Mathematics and Climate Changes
Abstract: Mathematical modeling represents real-world situations through mathematical language, symbols, and equations to understand complex phenomena. This seminar focused on the modeling of stochastic differential equations (SDEs), which account for both deterministic dynamics and random noise. Applications discussed include financial mathematics and climate change, highlighting the role of SDEs in simulating scenarios, predicting outcomes, and testing hypotheses in these fields. The seminar provided a comprehensive overview of mathematical modeling steps and practical examples to illustrate its importance in understanding uncertainties and making informed decisions
Subject Field of Topic: Mathematical Modeling
Name of Speaker: Ms. Iqra Nasir Malik
Professorial Rank of Speaker: PhD Scholar (Mathematics Dpt.) SNS – NUST
Email of Speaker: [email protected]
University Profile weblink:
Affiliation of Speaker: School of Natural Sciences (SNS – NUST)
Date and Venue: (Wednesday) 01 January 2025, 1530 hrs, CR # 202, New Building SNS, School of Natural Sciences, NUST Islamabad