Seminars and Workshops Storage of Human Memory and Intellectual Property: A Different Level and A Different Dimension


Topic of Research Seminar: Storage of Human Memory and Intellectual Property: A Different Level and A Different Dimension

Abstract: With the passage of time, like a human body, a newly built house becomes old. It may start having plumbing issues, structural depilation, derailment etc. Initially, it is a quick fix situation, which keeps on aggravating and finally a stage comes when it becomes beyond repair. Then what do you do ? The house has to be demolished and a new structure/house has to be built. So, you shift your house hold items and belongings to a new house. Can this scenario be applied to a human being or a human body? Yes, it can. The existence of a human being is mainly his brain. The rest of the body is there to articulate and carry on the commands of the brain. What is brain for that matter. It is essentially an inquisitive propeller and a storage bin of learning processes and experiences. Just like the material property which is passed on to the descendants, the intellectual property, knowledge and experiences may be transferred to the descendants as per will or as per the law. Unfortunately, if there is nothing worthwhile to share or pass on then the descendants go empty handed. Question is that does it means brain transplant, certainly not, it is through the judicious application of the existing technology. Like all new concepts, technologies and inventions, it may be very crude to start with but would reach perfection with the passage of time. It may carry very serious moral, ethical and legal issues which would need to be looked into.

Subject Field of Topic: Guidance for Corporate Career

Name of Speaker: Dr. Syed Iqbal Raza, Prof. Dr. Sayed Nusrat Raza

Professorial Rank of Speaker: Former Joint Executive Director, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), Islamabad

Date and Venue: February 21, 2023, 1600-1700 hrs, Seminar hall, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS), NUST Islamabad Campus