Seminars and Workshops Use of Radiation Sources in Research & Education in Pakistan

Topic of Research Seminar: Use of Radiation Sources in Research & Education in Pakistan

Abstract: The use of radiation sources in research and education in Pakistan plays a vital role in advancing scientific knowledge and training the next generation of scientists. These sources are instrumental in a wide range of fields, from nuclear physics to medical diagnostics, fostering innovation and expertise within the country. This talk will highlight the significant contributions of radiation sources to Pakistan’s scientific and educational landscape.

Name of Speaker: Mr. Muhammad Afzal and Mr. Sajid Ali

Professorial Rank of Speaker: Mr. Muhammad Afzal is the director of RNSD-I and Mr. Sajid Ali is the Principal Scientific Officer

Affiliation of Speaker: Pakistan Nuclear Regularity Authority

Date and Venue: (Tuesday) 03 October 2023 at 1530 rs, at CR # 202 (New Building SNS), NUST Islamabad Campus