Seminars and Workshops World Mental Health Day; Session on Mental Health and Competency


Topic of Research Seminar: World Mental Health Day; Session on Mental Health and Competency

Abstract: Pakistan Mental Health Law, Rights of the individuals with a mental disability, specifically those accused of criminal offenses, what are their due process rights, what are the ramifications of not observing those rights, A procedural overview the US Court conducting a hearing (competency hearing) for a criminal defendant. The presentation will briefly survey mental health issues in general but specifically the mental health issues of the criminally accused (defendants/incarcerated population). How does a US Court conduct criminal proceedings when a defense of insanity is raised? What due process is afforded to the defendant, and if those safeguards aren’t observed? What are the ramifications? 

Name of Speaker: The Honorable M. Nawaz Wahla

Professorial Rank of Speaker: Judge of the Superior Court (Ret.)

Date and Venue: October 17, 2022, at 1400 hrs, Conference Room, NUST School of Social Sciences & Humanities (NUST-S3H), NUST Islamabad Campus.